5G Technology Network Basic Information.

5G technology is a wireless communication system that can be used to transfer the information through the air using radio frequency. More information’s are listed dawn as follows,

How works.

  • Use high radio frequencies called as millimeter waves (mm waves).
  • This higher bands carrying information very faster that other 4G, 3G networks.
  • Use smaller transmitter.
  • Use multiple inputs and output antennae to boost speed and wireless network capacity also this will be helped to avoid blocking of large objects when sending the information for large distance.
Invented bySouth Korea in 2019 April

Which companies are using this technology now.

  • Altiostar
  • Cisco Systems
  • Datang Telecom
  • Ericsson
  • Huawei
  • Nokia
  • Qualcomm
  • Samsung
  • ZTE.


  • Faster response time and faster download speed when comparing to with 4G
  • Reduced latency. Latency means delay between command and response.
  • Provide higher frequency and boost capacity.
  • Peak speed exceeds 10Gps.

Provide high speed 2Gps.

5G and new equipment.

Our existing equipment should upgrade to the 5G to get maximum speed and some devices are not supported for 5G technology then need to buy new devices with 5G technology support.

Impact of product, service, and technology industries.

  • Because of the 5G technology, creation of 22 million jobs and the production of £8.5 trillion of goods and services by 2035.
  • Save councils £2.8 billion per year, while the NHS and 1.1 million GP hours freed up because of 5G enabled remote health.
  • 5G will add £15.7 billion per year to the UK economy by 2025.

Travel and 5G technology.

  1. Now days cars have more than 70 electronic devices that communication with each other in real time.
  2. These devices performances are dependent on the data transmission speed
  3. so with 5G technology this will help to fast data transmission.
  4. Also, this technology will help to communication between two vehicles in fast using block chain technology.
  5. Monitor traffic flow and raise alerts for potential issues such as debris on the road.

Risk of using 5G technology.

  • This electromagnetic radiation rises the temperature of the environment.
  • This will give effects, such as links between long-term exposure and certain types of cancer.
  • Also cause to skin, eye and brain problems.
  • Specially this technology is harmful to birds.

Main differences between 4G and 5G.

5G Technology.

  • 1 millisecond of latency.
  • 100 time faster than 4G.
  • has an average download speed of 130-240Mbps and a theoretical maximum of 1-10Gbps.

4G Technology,

  • 40 milliseconds of latency.
  • Fast.
  • 2Mbps average and a maximum download speed of 300Mbps..

5G technology features diagram.

5G Technology Network Part 1

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