Company security main policies and threats.

There are several main policies need for the companies,

Compromise recording.

  • This principle states that sometimes it is more desirable to record the details .
  • Internet-connected surveillance cameras are a typical example of an activities.
  • This policy is need for this type of company.

Least privilege.

  • Each program and user of a computer system should operate with the bare
  • With minimum privileges necessary to function properly.
  • If this principle is enforcing to abuse of privileges is restricted,
  • and the damage caused by the compromise of a particular application or user account is minimizing.

Separation of privilege.

  • This principle dictates that multiple conditions should be required.
  • or have a program perform some action.
  • This policy is helping to separate the one privilege from another one.

Fail-safe defaults.

This principle states that the default configuration of a system should have a conservative protection scheme.

There have mainly two main type of threats.

  • Physical and non-physical threats (logically threats).
  • A physical threat is a potential cause of an incident that may result in
  • loss or physical damage to the computer systems.

Physical threats into three main categories.

  • Internal: The threats include fire,
  • unstable power supply,
  • humidity in the rooms housing the hardware, etc.
  • Human: These threats include theft,
  • vandalism of the infrastructure and/or hardware,
  • disruption, accidental
  • or intentional errors, mistakenly delete the files from the system.

A non-physical threat is a ,

  1. Loss or corruption of system data
  2. Disrupt business operations.
  3. Loss of sensitive information
  4. Illegal monitoring of activities.
  5. Cyber Security Breaches.
  6. Virus
  7. Worms
  8. Spyware
  9. Key loggers
  10. Adware
  11. Denial of Service Attacks
  12. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks.
Company security main policies and threats

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